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Interview with Dario Dainelli-Policy & Regulatory Affairs

We caught up with the expert from Dario Dainelli-Policy & Regulatory Affairs, who will be presenting at next month's Food Contact Asia 2021 conference. 
Plus, you will gain a sneak peek of what to expect from his presentation as part of our exciting conference programme!

Current Industry Focus:

Q. What are the current food contact priorities for you and your business?
Plastics innovation is the highest priority: introduction of new sustainable plastics in the market, achieving significant recycling rates without compromising on safety and performances are key challenges for the future. In general, innovative sustainable materials (also other than plastics) deserve attention and are ranking high in the priority list of all those operating in the food contact business.
Q. What do you consider to be one of the biggest food contact challenges the packaging industry is facing, especially in APAC region?
There are several challenges in the APAC Region. Plastic recycling is key: the Region represents a large market for food contact plastic, but with limited recycling capacity. Moving towards a system allowing recycled plastics in food contact application is key. The decision of China to allow food contact recycled plastics, if enacted, has the potential of representing one of the biggest changes in the market
Future Focus:

Q. What are the most important changes in the food contact landscape you are seeing?
The whole sector is moving towards sustainable solutions; this is by far the biggest change of the last few years, and will grow significantly in the future. The principles underpinning the Green Deal in Europe will soon spread across other Regions, including APAC, and will represent the bigger game changer for the years to come
Q. What regulatory changes do you anticipate seeing in the future?
In APAC, legislation enabling the use of recycled plastics in food contact. Also expected more harmonization especially in the ASEAN Region.
Q. How can you ensure you stay compliant with the latest food contact regulations and best practice?
We provide service to companies and organizations throughout the whole supply chain in order to meet the highest standards of safety and compliance. We have global experience and global footprint such as to anticipate the regulatory changes in virtually all jurisdictions globally.
Q. What opportunities are there for harmonization of food contact regulations in the Asia Pacific region?
Activities are already ongoing in ASEAN for the harmonization of legislation in food contact ceramics and plastics. There are also opportunities for the APAC Countries to gain experience on plastic recycling by collaborating with other Regions, such as the EU and the USA, where this practice has been in force for years.
Conference Related:

Q. Could you please give us a quick sneak peek of what we can expect to hear during your presentation? Why is it important for others in your industry to hear this message?
We will discuss the opportunities for recycled plastics in food contact applications, examining the safety aspects and how a safe system may be built. We will dig into the technical problem that may be encountered when setting up such systems, and propose possible solutions.
Q. What are you most looking forward to at Food Contact Asia?
Meeting Competent Authorities, opinion makers and businesses in general who are active in shaping a future regulatory scenario for food contact materials in APAC, and hopefully start collaborating with them.