
Extended Producer Responsibility Basics: A Review and Analysis of Obligations for the Regulated Industry in the EU, UK, and USA.
workshop details
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws for packaging are growing increasingly popular amongst policymakers as a perceived solution to better manage the lifecycle of consumer product packaging.  This workshop will begin with an overview of how EPR laws for packaging work, and how key differences amongst EPR laws can impact compliance obligations for different parties in the packaging value chain.  The workshop also will provide an in-depth overview of packaging EPR laws in the USA, including the laws already adopted in California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, and Oregon.  Next, the workshop will cover existing EU producer responsibilities relating to packaging, exploring challenges and lessons learned from the implementation of the current systems.  The interactive workshop will conclude with a session on the latest developments and future outlook for EPR in both the EU and UK.

Workshop Registration
Introduction to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Laws for Packaging and Update on Developments in USA
Refreshment Break
Producer Responsibility Obligations in the EU: How We Got Here, What We’ve Learned, and How to Comply
The Future of EPR in Europe: Recent Developments, and What is Still to Come
Q & A Session
End of workshop
Registration and welcome refreshments
Chair’s welcome
Session 1: Current and future regulatory considerations for the FCM industry
An update on UK food contact material legislation for plastics and paper
Recent developments in the EFSA assessment of food contact materials
Networking refreshment break
Session 2: PFAS - evaluating end user responsibility and alternative material considerations
Exploring alternatives to PFAS
Session 3: Extending food contact regulations to other materials
Materials in contact with drinking water
Networking lunch break
Minerals in food contact applications: benefits and challenges
Jason Ermini, Product Stewardship Manager, Artemyn 
Janet Preston, Senior Scientist, Artemyn
Non harmonized regulations for food contact rubber materials - a challenge
The latest updates to the EU 10/2011 plastic regulation, focusing on the newly introduced requirements for a "high degree of purity" , from an analytical point of view
Networking refreshment break
Session 4: Supply chain communication and FCM compliance
Ensuring Consumer Safety in Fibre-Based Packaging: Navigating Safety and Compliance for Food Contact applications
Navigating a global Packaging Company through shifting regulatory Landscapes
Components or finished product: is there a best case for FCM&A testing approach? FCM&A regulations applying to complex machinery such as appliances
Chair’s summary
FoodChain ID User Meeting and end of day one
Networking drinks reception
Registration and welcome refreshments
Chair’s welcome
Session 5: Recycled materials in contact with food and what PPWR means for FCM
Brand perspective: EU 2022/1616 on recycled plastics for food contact: 2 years down the road
Closing the loop on contact-sensitive applications in rPP
Why is compostability a good sustainable choice for FCM?
PPWR updates and what this means for FCM
Networking refreshment break
Our effort on functional barrier as a recycling novel technologies and the activities involved
Challenges in recycling of plastics: a safety assessment perspective
Networking lunch break
Session 6: Toxicology and NIAS
Session 7: Testing and analytics
FCA Risk Assessment Guidelines
Novel simulants for measuring migration from paper and board
Chair’s summary and end of conference
