Workshop - Extended Producer Responsibility Basics: A Review and Analysis of Obligations for the Regulated Industry in the EU, UK, and USA

Monday 9 December 2024 • 14:00-17:00 • Vienna, Austria • €249 + VAT

Extended Producer Responsibility Basics: A Review and Analysis of Obligations for the Regulated Industry in the EU, UK, and USA.”

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws for packaging are growing increasingly popular amongst policymakers as a perceived solution to better manage the lifecycle of consumer product packaging.  This workshop will begin with an overview of how EPR laws for packaging work, and how key differences amongst EPR laws can impact compliance obligations for different parties in the packaging value chain.  The workshop also will provide an in-depth overview of packaging EPR laws in the USA, including the laws already adopted in California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, and Oregon.  Next, the workshop will cover existing EU producer responsibilities relating to packaging, exploring challenges and lessons learned from the implementation of the current systems.  The interactive workshop will conclude with a session on the latest developments and future outlook for EPR in both the EU and UK.

Workshop run by:



  • 14:00 - Workshop Registration / Refreshments
  • 14:15 - Introduction to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Laws for Packaging and Update on Developments in USA
  • 15:00 - Refreshment Break
  • 15:15 - Producer Responsibility Obligations in the EU: How We Got Here, What We’ve Learned, and How to Comply
  • 15: 45 - The Future of EPR in Europe: Recent Developments, and What is Still to Come
  • 16:30 - Q & A Session
  • 17:00 - End

Tickets are just €249 + VAT, and must be purchased in conjunction with a 2-day conference ticket.