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The 2024 Agenda is here! 
Click the tabs below to see what's in store including: conversations with experts, networking opportunities, and a look towards the future. 
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Welcome and Opening Remarks
Session I: North America Focus: Food Contact Regulation
FDA Updates
•    Regulatory updates from FDA pertaining to the food contact substance notification program
•    Current outlook on the food contact industry from a regulatory perspective
Joshua Moskowitz | Regulatory Review Scientist, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Food Additives, U.S Food and Drug Administration
U.S. State Packaging Legislation Trends and Updates
•    Overview of PFAS in food packaging regulations at both U.S. FDA and U.S. State level
•    Discussion of recent legislative updates and guidance from state regulators
•    A look ahead at what to expect in the coming months
Daniel Rubenstein | Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Canada's Safety Assessment Process of Food Packaging Materials and Update on the Program Review
  • Regulatory Landscape for Food Packaging Materials
  • Overview of Submission Process and Letters of No Objection (LONO)
  • Update on the Direction of Canada's Regulation of Food Contact Materials
  • Recycled Plastics

Cynthia Scholten | Scientific Evaluator, Health Product and Food Branch, Health Canada
Networking Break
Session II: LATAM Focus: Food Contact Regulation
Food Contact Regulation in Mercosur and Beyond: How Global Developments Are Affecting Regulation in Latin America
This presentation will review recent developments in Latin American food contact regulation, with a focus on Mercosur and particular emphasis on key drivers of regulatory action – namely developments in the European Union and at the global level.
  • FCM Regulation in Latin America
  • Europe as a Trend-Setter in Regulatory Policy
  • Global Plastic Treaty
  • WHO, WTO, and Codex

Stephen Ziehm | Senior Vice President, Red Flag USA
Session III: The Continued Importance of Food Safety
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging
EPR is government legislation that imposes financial responsibility on product and packaging producers for the end-of-life environmental impact of their products, especially focused on packaging.

Producer Responsibility Organizations (PRO) are entities created or contracted by government and funded by industry for the purpose of achieving environmental impact goals such as recycling rates or recycled content. Companies subject to EPR laws are required to pay fees to support the PROs.

4 States Have EPR Laws – California, Colorado, Maine, and Oregon

There is no Federal legislation enacted yet, but there is a proposed bill, The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, which was the subject of a March 2024 hearing before the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works. The legislation would establish EPR for makers of beverage containers and certain plastic products.

The state laws vary in the products/packaging they cover, but all involve companies paying into PROs.

The problem is the creation of a patchwork of different state and potentially Federal EPR laws covering different types of products and packaging with different environmental goals, all calling for payments by industry of unknown amounts to be set by PROs. A central issue is whether the environmental impact goals are achievable (experience indicates they are not), and what happens if and when the goals are not met.

Ralph A. Simmons | Of Counsel, Foster Garvey
Networking Lunch
The use of non-targeted analysis in food contact material testing: A help or a hindrance
  • Introduction to non-targeted analysis (NTA) and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS)
  • Advantages and disadvantages of NTA
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • The future?
  • Help or hinderance?

Dr. Malcolm Driffield | Managing Scientist, Chemical Regulation & Food Safety, Exponent International
Session IV: Deep Dive into Packaging Sustainability
Packaging Sustainability: Nuts and Bolts, Need-to-Knows, and What’s Next
  • Big Picture: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
    • Pragmatic Challenges
    • PCR Commitments vs. Reality: Collection Challenges, Supply vs. Demand, Know Your Source
    • State and Municipal Legal Patchwork
    •  What IS recyclable?
  • EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)
  • Details on re-use, recycle, and recycled content

Additional Speaker: Dr. Henrik Jungclas Senior Subject Matter Expert, FoodChain ID
Kevin C. Kenny | Senior Advisor, FoodChain ID
Networking Break
Session V: Innovations in Sustainability, Recyclability, and Compostability
Sustainability management and communications: testing on materials, R rules respect, and related labeling
Companies are asked to invest in technologies and know-how in order to put on the marked recycled and reusable food contact materials. Rules in Europe and the United States are particular and sometimes hard to manage. This presentation with show comparisons and some experiences in FCM management in both regions.
Lisa Filindassi | Executive Sales Manager – Senior Food Contact Specialist, Food Contact Services SRL
Paper Food-Packaging Regulatory Compliance and Compostable Certifications
With the implementation of single-use plastic bans around the world, paper food packaging and food serviceware industries have seen tremendous growth in recent years. This presentation will provide a summary of paper food-contact regulatory compliance in the US, EU, and China, the regulations, and the technical aspects of compliance strategies. In addition, the presentation will touch upon packaging sustainability regarding post-consumer recycled paper, Compostable Certification and the most reputable third-party Compostable Certification organizations, the certification processes, and the compostable product considerations.
Huqiu Zhang | Principal , Sevee & Maher Engineers
Safely using recycled fiber content in direct food packaging
In support of recycling and circularity, the Recycled Paperboard Technical Association (RPTA) has developed and maintains an evergreen program for fiber-based materials made with high levels of recovered fiber and intended for food contact end uses. In this presentation, Paul Schutes will review: FDA requirements for recycled content fiber-based packaging; RPTA’s health risk-based program for assuring suitable purity; RPTA’s system for assessing relevant impurities entering manufacturing with recovered fiber; and the certification program developed to support RPTA members and their customers.
Kate McGlynn | Executive Director, Recycled Paperboard Technical Association
FoodChain ID Packaging Sustainability & Compliance Meeting
Sustainability remains a key focus for Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies, with consumer demand and regulations both driving the market. FoodChain ID worked closely with our Packaging Sustainability Industry SME Group, a subgroup of our Consumer Advisory Board including members from some of the largest CPG companies in the world and their supply chain, to develop and launch a suite of products and expert-guided services to help food and cosmetics brands and their supply chains meet market demands for sustainable packaging.

Our discussion will reveal:
FoodChain ID’s new packaging compliance module
Trends driving packaging sustainability
Challenges of managing sustainability regulations and goals
Valuable lessons learned from our Packaging Sustainability Industry SME Group
How our solutions enable companies to track and manage sustainability requirements
Networking Reception
Registration Open
Session VI: Food Safety Considerations for Food Delivery
Fireside Chat: The Last Mile
This fireside chat will address food safety considerations in the e-commerce space. From temperature compliance, to product tampering protection and delivery vehicle cleanliness, our experts will address the biggest challenge and opportunities that companies are currently facing.

Moderator: Catherine Cosby, Director, Food Safety and Compliance, Kroger

  • Sara Starck- Director of Regulatory Strategy, Operations and Compliance, Instacart
  • Elizabeth White- Regional Operations Manager, Kroger Fulfillment Centers

Catherine Cosby | Director Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance, Kroger
Session VII: Asia Focus: Food Contact Regulation
Exploring the Latest Updates in China
•    Regulatory updates to National Food Safety Standards
•    What are the newest standards, and how will they impact the industry?
•    On the horizon – anticipating future legislation and trends
Huqiu Zhang | Principal , Sevee & Maher Engineers
Updates on Japan's Positive List
•    Discussing Japan’s food contact regulatory structure
•    Japan’s Positive List – latest revisions and updates
•    How will this evolution affect food contact compliance?
Alastair Mak | Toxicologist, Food and Food Contact Materials, Knoell USA
Networking Break
India, ASEAN, EAEU, and the Rest of Asia
•    India FCM and Packaging Sustainability Update
•    ASEAN – Member State updates
•    EAEU & Russia status update
Kevin C. Kenny | Senior Advisor, FoodChain ID
Session VIII: European and UK Focus: Food Contact Regulation
EU Food Contact Updates and Packaging Sustainability
•    Examining EU legislation on food contact materials
•    Looking at packaging sustainability across the board – recent initiatives and changes
Dr. Henrik Jungclas | Senior Subject Matter Expert, FoodChain ID
What's New? Discussing UK Updates
An update on Post-Brexit Food Contact in the UK
•    The UK legislation on food contact materials
•    Registration of new substances, recycling processes and active and intelligent materials
•    Guidance for producers of bio-based materials
Dr. Alistair Irvine | Principal Technical Specialist, Food Contact Testing, Material Science and Engineering, Smithers
Closing Remarks